Marketing polityczny na tle współczesnej teorii marketingu
A. Płoński
ABSTRAKT: The analysis of publications concerning the problem of political marketing leads to the statement that despite the widespread use of the term, there is still lack of solid and recognized theoretical foundations of this phenomenon. Hence results the necessity of referring to the achievement of marketing theory used on conventional markets. In the article entitled .Political marketing against the background of modern marketing theory. the author attempts to answer the questions about the essence of political marketing. The existing conceptions of political marketing were divided into two groups: the reductionist approach.defining political marketing as a tool of persuasion used during the election campaign, and the complex approach.recognizing as the essence of marketing actions the fulfilment of the needs of the addressees of the political offer. In the light of marketing theory and research carried out by the author it appears that the reductionist approach brings considerably less election effects than the proposed complex approach. In spite of this analysis of the subject literature indicates that the theory of political marketing is still in the stage of promotion orientation popular on conventional markets in the sixties.
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O bezrobociu
I. Timofiejuk
The elaboration considers one of the immanent features of the capitalist economy, i.e. incomplete employment, that is, unemployment. The author, in accordance with the views of Karl Marx, thinks there is no capitalist way of production without the existence of unemployment, the so-called reserve labour army. After reminding the different types of unemployment and its theories, and also the category of the organic composition of capital, the author comes to the conclusion that the trends and types of technical progress by its distinctly anti-employment tendency lead to the intensification of the phenomenon of unemployment. An attempt at a statistical theory of formulation of the category of organic composition of capital was also presented. In the final parts of the elaboration some ways of combating unemployment were discussed, essential in the present situation of the economy of Poland. These are:
- so-called ecological agriculture
- the question of pensions and sick pensions
- shortening of the work time.
Próba określenia zmian w uwarunkowaniach zewnętrznych polskiej polityki gospodarczej u progu XXI wieku
G. Gałek
Economic policy traditionally defined as the conscious interaction of the state upon the economy, its structure and the processes occurring in it is subjected contemporarily to various limitations both internal and external. The end of the XX century and the first years of the XXI century were abundant in events which changed the outlook of the world and very strongly affected the shape of international political and economic relations. The development of mass transport, new technologies of information transfer, the transformation processes in the former socialist countries are only some of the factors influencing the shape of the world at the threshold of the third millennium. The growing network of ties between states, economies and regions causes that it is increasingly more difficult for sovereign states to conduct an independent economic policy. The conscious making of strategic decisions, especially in the case of countries such as Poland, must be preceded not only by analysis of effects but also by reflection on the conditions and limitations resulting from functioning in an increasingly more complex world.
Transformacja repartycyjnego systemu emerytalnego w systemmieszany
M. Ogonek
This study concerns the Polish pension system reform. This reform is a long-run economic process, which could result in significant changes in many sectors of the economy. The aimof this work is an analysis of the impact of pension system reform on economic growth when the process of demographic transformation is intensified.
This study introduces an analytical general equilibrium model, which illustrates capital flows of pension system in the transformation process. It contains results of simulation research.
Conclusion: The reform of 1999 prevents the public finance crisis, improves the economic security of an individual, causes favourable changes in capital market, controls the labour market and is conducive to economic development. It is necessary to consider the possibility of raising the retirement age and of an increase in the degree of privatization.
Działalność inwestycyjna jednostek
A. Alińska
The implementation of investment activity of the territorial selfgovernment units in Poland encounters many obstacles and difficulties, among which the most significant is the fact of limited own resources ofmoneymeans which can be assigned for this purpose by the local selfgovernments. This causes a systematic limitation of the number and scope of implemented investment enterprises, especially in the scope of the infrastructure. The use of hitherto traditional methods and instruments of financing investment activity in the form of bank credits, loans and the emission of communal obligations encounters many formal, legal and organizational limitations, and also comprises a source of generating additional costs. Hence there appear proposals of considering the possibility of implementing investment enterprises in the form of public - private enterprises. However their full implementation in Poland requires the introducing of considerable legal-organizational changes in such a scope so as to eliminate the dangers and disadvantageous effects and to concentrate mainly on the positive aspects of using this formof financing investment activity.
Sytuacja rynkowa i konkurencyjność spółdzielni w Polsce na przełomie XX i XXI stulecia
P. Grzegorzewski
This article includes the prezentation of the results of empirical research, which was conducted among managers of consumers. co-operatives (
Społem PSS), co-operative creameries and
Samopomoc Chłopska co-operatives and concerned economic situation of those entities. From many important, current problems the co-operatives which are specific organizational-proprietary form of conducting economic activity, have to deal with, the research concentrated only on empirical material which could be obtained through a survey which included opinions about:
- the market situation of co-operatives and the level of their competitiveness,
- productive capacity of co-operatives and their production profile.
Benchmarking jako nowoczesna metoda zarządzania zmianami w organizacji
B. Mucha
In this article a justification was made of the need to carry out changes in the functioning of the enterprise and the conscious management of them. For this purpose it is proposed to use the method of benchmarking, indicating its attributes and conditions. The article contains a synthesis of world views on the subject of benchmarking, its essence, kinds and procedures, and also the results of pilot research carried out in the firm Profit verifying the conditions of using the method of benchmarking.
Marketing polityczny na tle współczesnej teorii marketingu
A. Płoński
The analysis of publications concerning the problem of political marketing leads to the statement that despite the widespread use of the term, there is still lack of solid and recognized theoretical foundations of this phenomenon. Hence results the necessity of referring to the achievement of marketing theory used on conventional markets. In the article entitled .Political marketing against the background of modern marketing theory. the author attempts to answer the questions about the essence of political marketing. The existing conceptions of political marketing were divided into two groups: the reductionist approach.defining political marketing as a tool of persuasion used during the election campaign, and the complex approach.recognizing as the essence of marketing actions the fulfilment of the needs of the addressees of the political offer. In the light of marketing theory and research carried out by the author it appears that the reductionist approach brings considerably less election effects than the proposed complex approach. In spite of this analysis of the subject literature indicates that the theory of political marketing is still in the stage of promotion orientation popular on conventional markets in the sixties.
Przesłanki i czynniki kształtowania reputacji firmy
A. Kwiecień
This article concerns the problems connected with the perception of a firm on the market. It contains a description of the essence of reputation for an enterprise against the background of its image and identity. It presents also the relations between these concepts, and also identifies the factors and mechanisms shaping them.