ISSN: 0137-3056

MoSaHE points:


Editor in chief:
prof. dr hab. Tomasz Żylicz

Editorial assistant:
Marta Höffner
(48) 22 55 49 184


Integracja Europy w obliczu przyspieszeń globalnych

M. Dobroczyński

ABSTRACT: The Lisbon provisions of the European Union form a team economic policy. The annual common priorities of economic policy are to become binding for all the member states both in the sense of goals and the ways of their achievement. The uniform policy is to serve among others the strengthening of the euro, favouring the increased competitiveness of the Union economies in the face of globalization dangers. For this purpose is to be subordinated a radical union economic modernization on the ground of regulated electronic turnover, advanced telecommunication integration, dissemination of the internet. An attempt at an analytical look at the future arrangement of relations in a considerably enlarged Union in this context must take into consideration not only the contrasting national economic differences, but alsoŠand to a large extentŠthe civilization and custom spans, the dominating ideological convictions, the level of political maturity or other social conditions which can both favour as well as seriously hinder the stable coexistence in the joint international environment. Even the relatively favourable adaptation of the economies of the new member countries to the EU rules and challenges cannot however be identified with a disappearance of income and other spans. It therefore remains quite an open question at what rate, and in effect in what time, at least an approximate equalization of the national levels can be reached. And in general is it possible to imagine more concretely such a purpose of the process of European integration. Omitting the essential dilemma of the authenticity of the vanishing of contradictions between the interests and aspirations of the European powers Germany, France, Great Britain, ItalyŠcoming up to the highest institutional level of economic-political integration would require an unusually precise, satisfying all parties, solution of the delicate dilemma of equal rights and opportunities of large and smaller countries. Also taking into consideration the theoretically permanent probability of maintaining in the economic sphere the phenomenon of regional, possibly also subregional division into specifically separating centres and peripheries. It is necessary however to accent stronger the dangers resulting from the global development disproportions. First of all in the relation North-South, but also in the continental proportions (in the recent decades marked economic progress in Asia, slight in Latin America and decidedly weak in Africa, the most backward region. The globalization process as it results from the hitherto experiences does not lead for the time being in an equalized way to benefits of the whole of national economies. And certainly still for a long time it will not guarantee all the countries approximate effects, not to mention the question of the necessity of a distinctly faster progress in the areas remaining economically and civilizationally below the standards considered to be sufficient. A factor correcting the supremacy of the wealthy world may turn out to be political circumstances, an attitude towards attracting new allies even against strictly economic preferences.

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Issue number: 1

In this issue:

Integracja Europy w obliczu przyspieszeń globalnych
M. Dobroczyński
Nauka, innowacje, technologia XX wieku. Refleksje społeczno-ekonomiczne
A. Łukaszewicz
Geneza i realizacja idei nowej międzynarodowej architektury finansowej
B. Pietrzak
Nowa gospodarka - aspekt informacyjny
J. Oleński
Złożone, dynamiczne systemy adaptacyjne jako perspektywa badawcza ewolucji współczesnej gospodarki
T. Kasprzak
Dzieje bankowości polskiej do 1914 r. w zarysie
A. Jezierski
Intelektualizacja przedsiębiorczości. Intelektualizacja przedsiębiorstw (tło badań empirycznych)
S. Kwiatkowski
Szanse rozwojowe przedsiębiorstw
J. Kotowicz-Jawor
Nurt ekonomiczny w badaniach społeczeństwa informacyjnego
D. Dziuba
Wpływ orientacji eksportowej na produkcję przemysłową w Polsce: efekty zewnętrzne czy różnice w produktywności?
A. Cieślik
Przedmiot i podmiot działania samorządu terytorialnego
A. Kopańska
R. Domański, R. Kokoszczyński
Seminaria i konferencje
A. Springer, I. Witecka

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