ISSN: 0137-3056
MoSaHE points:
Editor in chief:
prof. dr hab. Tomasz Żylicz
Editorial assistant:
Marta Höffner
(48) 22 55 49 184

Submission of text
The Editorial Board of Ekonomiain Polish or English language (British spelling preferred).
Authors are requested to send texts using the Open Journal System (OJS). Authors submitting text for the first time, please register
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If the text has more than one author, the submission must be made by one person, called a correspondence author, providing information on all authors on the form of the submission of the text.
Authors, please refer to the Ethical standards by which the Editors of Ekonomia abide by.
The condition of submitting the text in Ekonomia is an agreement to the terms and conditions presented in the Copyright Notice in the OJS on the text submission form.
The texts should be prepared according to Author Guidelines.
The review process
Text submitted via the OJS goes to the Editor-in-Chief, who assigns it to an appropriate Deputy Editor. If Deputy Editor concludes that it does not meet the profile of the journal, she/he communicates to the author that the text was not accepted.
If the text suites the profile of Ekonomia, it is directed to the review. Anonymous version of the text (without the name of the author and with no information that would enable recognition of the author, go to Author Guidelines) goes to two reviewers, who are asked to thoroughly assess the work clearly indicating whether the article is suitable for publication in Ekonomia or should the changes be made.
The review process should last 4−6 weeks.
If the author receives two finished reviews with identical conclusions, Editorial Board takes their decision accordingly. In the case of diverging conclusions, the article becomes the subject of the Editorial Board meeting, as a result of which the author(s) receive(s) a decision regarding possible publication.
We do not charge for the publishing process or for the approval of the text for publication.
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