ISSN: 0137-3056
MoSaHE points:
Editor in chief:
prof. dr hab. Tomasz Żylicz
Editorial assistant:
Marta Höffner
(48) 22 55 49 184

O nas
Quarterly journal Ekonomia has been issued under this title since 2001. Ekonomia is a continuation of a long tradition of issuing scientific journals at the Faculty of Economic Sciences. The journal has quickly gained an opinion as a leading Polish journal in areas such as experimental economics, mainly due to research results obtained in a local laboratory. Working towards further growth of the journal, in 2013 new review and editorial procedures have been developed. The Editorial Board accepts texts on economics in general with particular emphasis on innovative approach to less common topics and ones not always of interest to other journals. You are welcome to submit articles that use innovative analytical methods, but also relate to important issues of economic practice.
We offer fast and competent editorial procedure based on anonymous reviews. The time elapsed from the moment of submission to the editorial decision does not exceed four months. Reviewers come from leading Polish and foreign scientific institutions.
The proof of the growing importance of quarterly Ekonomia among scientific journals in this field is a high score on the list of scientific journals, created by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Ekonomia is indexed in the following databases:
Declaration on the originality of the published scientific works
The editors of Ekonomia inform that in relation to all publications issued in paper and electronic form of the journal, the original version of the work is the paper version (ISSN 0137-3056).
Declaration on Open Access
Quarterly journal Ekonomia. Market, Economy, Society is a scientific open access journal, published under the Creative Commons Contribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International (some rights reserved to publishers and authors).
The content of all volumes is available for free in electronic form. Publisher and editors of Ekonomia support the movement for open access.
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