ISSN: 0137-3056

MoSaHE points:


Editor in chief:
prof. dr hab. Tomasz Żylicz

Editorial assistant:
Marta Höffner
(48) 22 55 49 184


Public sector wage premium in Poland: can it be explained by structural differences in employment?

G. Grotkowska, L. Wincenciak

ABSTRACT: The public sector is commonly thought to offer relatively low wages, but neither statistics nor research for different countries justifies this belief. In general, the observed regularity is that the average wage in the public sector exceeds the average wage in the private one. The difference is sometimes quite substantial. The comparison of raw average wages suggesting higher wages for public sector would however be misleading. To a large extent, this premium can be attributed to the differences in the structure of employment in both sectors. The public sector employment is biased towards higher level of education and longer job tenures, which on the grounds of human capital theory explains the observed higher average wages in the public sector. The aim of this article is to find to what extent the observed difference in wages is a result of differentiated structure of employment. We use LFS data for Poland and a Mincerean wage regression with Heckman correction supplemented by a quantile regression to show that, after controlling for structural differences in employment, the public sector wage premium in Poland is negative.

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Issue number: 38

In this issue:

Social and economic determinants of higher education choices in Poland
T. Gajderowicz, G. Grotkowska, J. Mycielski, L. Wincenciak
Monetary policy and nominal convergence in CEE countries with inflation targeting
Ł. Goczek, D. Mycielska
Public sector wage premium in Poland: can it be explained by structural differences in employment?
G. Grotkowska, L. Wincenciak
Wycena opcji na VIX – podejscie heurystyczne
J. Jabłecki, R. Kokoszczyński, P. Sakowski, R. Ślepaczuk, P. Wójcik
Relationship between foreign direct investment stock and foreign portfolio investment stock. Do they really matter for GDP in Poland, Germany, and Great Britain?
J. Kania-Morales, R. Mróz
The role of dynamics for trust development. An experimental study
E. Zawojska

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